My wife and I have separate ACA health insurance plans purchased through the NY ACA Marketplace and each of us received a separate 1095-A for our individual coverages. This is the same for both 2023 and 2024.
On 1095-A Part III Col B, NY leaves the SLCSP value at $0 and instead provides a separate table showing SLCSP for each county and family coverage type (individual, couple, etc).
As we have individual insurance policies, I assumed that we would each use the Individual SLCSP on our individual 1095-A's entered into TT and I assumed that TT would sum those. However, it does not.
I'm now thinking I need to use the Couple (we have no dependents) SLCSP value from the NYS provided table. If the SLCP values on the individual 1095-A's are the same, TT just carries it over from one 1095.
If I'm on the right track now, I did this incorrectly last year and now need to file an amended return. This is quite confusing, and I am sure I am not the only one to have made this mistake.