To remove the data that may be causing this in TurboTax Online:
- Open TurboTax Online
- Select Tax Home in the left pane
- Select the dropdown to the right of State Taxes
- Select the pencil
- Proceed through any screens until you get to the Status of your state returns page, then select Continue to the right of New York
- Proceed through the state interview until you come to the Take a look at New York credits and taxes screen
- Scroll down to Other Tax Credits, and select Update to the right of Nonrefundable Credits
- On the Nonrefundable Credits page, delete any entry next to Solar and Wind Energy Credit Carryover, then select Continue
- On the Take a look at New York credits and taxes screen that reappears, select Done with Credits
This should remove any erroneous data.
If the TurboTax Online navigation suggested above doesn't look like what you're seeing, see the TurboTax Help article Why does the TurboTax navigation menu look different for me?.