The payments that you enter separately in the Estimates and Other Taxes Paid (Desktop) or Estimated Taxes (Online) section of TurboTax include estimated payments and any other payments that were not already entered with a Form W-2 or Form 1099; for example:
- Taxes you paid with your 2024 federal, state or local extension.
- Taxes you paid with your 2023 state or local extension.
- 2023 federal, state and local tax refunds that you applied to your federal, state or local 2024 taxes owed.
- State and local taxes that were withheld during 2024 but not reported on Form W-2, 1099, W-2G, etc. For example, state and local taxes that were withheld when you completed a real estate transaction.
- Taxes paid with your 2023 state and local returns, including with an extension, amended return, or through an installment plan.
- State and local taxes you paid with your 2023 or prior year return. For example, you were audited or you recently filed a 2022 or prior year state or local return for the first time.
- Other state withholdings during 2024. For example, you had money withheld during escrow on a real estate sale and received a Form 593, Real Estate Withholding Statement.
Medicare and Social Security taxes, as well as Federal and State withholding are normally entered with a W-2 or as Self-Employment Tax and would not need to be entered a second time.
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