In 2024, I was a part-year resident of Maryland and New Hampshire, so I have to file tax returns in both states. There are two issues with TT's preparation of the NH Form DP-10 "Interest and Dividends Tax Return":
1. I had dividend income from tax-exempt (muni) mutual funds, all of which is not taxable at the federal level. In TT, I entered the breakdown of that income by state (MD and NH) and US territory. The portion of that income derived from NH and US territory obligations is NOT taxable by NH.
Yet when TT automatically prepared the NH Form DP-10, in Step 3 Line 1 it included the entire federal tax-exempt income from this source. Then in Step 3 Line 4 it only created entries for income from US obligations (which is also not taxable by NH and identified by a "reason code" 1), but not for the portion of income from muni funds that is not taxable by NH. There is no way to exclude the latter by creating two new entries, one for income from NH muni bonds and the other for income from the US territories.
(In contrast, on the 2024 Maryland Form 502 TT correctly used the breakdown of the muni fund income I entered to calculate the amount taxable by that state.) So this is the first bug in TT's preparation of the NH Form DP-10.
2. Another issue is that in the NH Form DP-10 Step 3 Line 4, TT unnecessarity created entries with zero amounts. Then TT informs me that because of the number of entries in that line exceeds 5, it cannot file my NH tax return electronically. There are 6 entries in that line, but 2 of them are zero and cannot be deleted. So the second bug is that there is no way to remove the unnecessary zero-amount entries to be able to file the NH return electronically.
[Update 3/9/2025]
Despite 835+ views of my post, there was not a single reply from TT reps or "experts." Given that NH owes me a refund, I could not wait any longer and, based on what other TT users documented on related discussion threads, I filed my NH tax return for free using the state's Granite Tax Connect online facility. Therefore, I expect Intuit to refund the $45 (minus a $10 "credit") I paid for the additional state return support which I had to purchase.