The TT Deluxe desktop version for Windows erroneously creates an eFIle circumstance for Washington state income tax for individuals (esp. WA state residents) that cannot be completed. And when completing your individual or joint return and trying to eFile, TT generates an error message that your state return is incomplete and you cannot eFile. Washington state does not have a personal or corporate income tax.
There is quite a thread on this error posted in the community forum. Some get arounds in certain situations are illustrated. This was started in January and it is now March 13th and still no TT resolution.
What is outrageous, is that at no time has the Intuit TT team acknowledged the error and indicated that they are working on a solution. People using TT in this situation continue to run into this problem - where is the real Intuit TT support? Support needs to get involved and get this corrected!! it is way overdue!!