I am a NY resident with NY and NJ (W2) incomes. I have been filing Fed+NY+NJ tax returns for several years by now and noticed that for the last 3 years the amounts of resident credits (line 24a on New York State IT-112-R) have been incorrectly provided (line 23 says NJ, so the credit is from NJ taxes).
I opened TurboTax and went to the 'Tax Computed on Your New Jersey Return' page, where the 'Calculated Amount' was the correct one (taken from the NJ tax liability for that year), but the 'Amount if Different' had totally random number (higher for two years and smaller for one year of tax returns). I do not remember entering the values in 'Amount if Different'. Could it be that TurboTax suggested them? Could it be that TurboTax started to complain at the stage of checking for errors and suggested those different amounts based on some analysis? If such analysis exists, is it possible to somehow launch it and see how those amount were generated?