For each state here are the rules for taxable social security. TurboTax will handle this on both state returns and you can double check by reviewing the state returns (see information below).
- Kentucky (KY) - If you have reported social security income on federal Form 1040, line 5b, you can subtract this amount on Kentucky Schedule M, line 10.
- North Carolina (NC) - All Social Security retirement benefits are exempts from income taxes.
To Preview your state returns:
- From the left rail menu in TurboTax Online, select Tax Tools (You may have to scroll down on the left rail menu.)
- Select Tax Tools

- On the drop-down select Tools
- On the pop-up menu titled “Tools Center”, select View Tax Summary
- On the left sidebar, select State Tax Summary (Click on each part year resident state to review)
For TurboTax Desktop, change to 'Forms' and review the forms
Finally, you can print your return before you file: Can I print a copy of my return in TurboTax Online before I file it?
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