You can find the total payments and withholdings on your 2023 California Resident Income Tax Return (Form 540):
- Line 78 : Total Payments
- Line 72: This line includes your California estimated tax payments,
- Line 71: This line shows the total California income tax withheld from your W-2, 1099, and other forms.
- To find a copy of your 2023 CA return follow steps below.
There are two ways to get your prior-year returns if you have already started your 2024 return:
- Select Documents from the menu, use the dropdown menu to choose the tax year you want, and select Download tax PDF.
- On Tax home, scroll down and select Your tax returns & documents. Select the year you want and select Download/print return (PDF).
If you haven't started your 2024 return or you used TurboTax Business, click here for instructions for printing your 2023 returns.