Thank you for providing your token. I looked at your IT-112-R and your NJ-1040NR. The amount of tax that's showing as tax paid to NJ on the IT-112-R is higher than the actual amount of tax on the NJ return. It's possible that your NJ return changed after this credit was initially calculated, and the credit didn't automatically update.
To adjust the amount that's shown on this form, go back to your NY tax return and Update the credit section.

On the list of credits, scroll down to click Edit or Start next to Taxes Paid to Another State

Click edit next to NJ.

Go through the screens until you get to the Tax Computed on Your New Jersey Return screen. You'll see the new calculated amount. Continue through the screens, making any necessary adjustments. Once you get back to the Other State Tax Credit Summary screen, your credit and NY refund should be updated.