California resident family here. Completed my own 2024 taxes last month and at that time TurboTax Deluxe (Desktop version on Windows) properly generated 2025 California estimated tax vouchers # 1, 2, and 4. (California doesn't have a payment due at the # 3 date, so it's correct that it didn't generate a voucher for # 3.) Now I'm assisting another family member with their taxes, and despite filling out the California Estimated Wks, which shows California estimated tax payments due with vouchers #1, 2, and 4, in the list of "Forms in My Return", only Form 540-ES 1 and Form 540-ES 2 are shown - Form 540-ES 4 is missing. (There is also no Form 540-ES 3, but that is as expected.) Similarly, when I Save to PDF and select "Tax Return, all calculation worksheets", the 540-ES 1 and 540-ES 2 vouchers are included in the resulting .pdf file, but there is no voucher for 540-ES 4. Was a bug recently introduced into the program?