Please enter the forms as shown on Form 1099-R. If this was a regular 401k distribution most fields will be blank. You will have most likely boxes 1 and 2a and box 7 filled out. TurboTax will ask follow-up questions to ensure correct tax treatment.
Please follow these steps to get to the retirement section for Form 1099-R:
- Click on "Search" on the top right and type “1099-R”
- Click on “Jump to 1099-R”
- Click "Continue" and enter the information from your 1099-R
Or use these steps:
- Click "Wages & Income" (under Federal) on the left
- Scroll down and click "Show more" next to "Retirement Plans and Social Security"
- Scroll down and click "Start" next to "IRA, 401(k), Pension Plan (1099-R)"
If you like more information about each box then you can see the description of each box in the Instructions of Form 1099-R.
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