My father accidentally rolled over more money than my earned income as part of 529 Plan Rollover to my Roth IRA. We tried to roll back the transaction but Fidelity said the funds were already deposited into my Roth IRA. Since I don't have enough earned income, the additional funds are considered as excess contribution and TurboTax also said I should take them out our pay 6% penalty. I checked with The 529 Plan folks and they said they cannot take the excess money back into the Plan. What are my options to avoid paying taxes and 10% penalty as this would considered as non qualified distribution. I am still in school and can use those funds for this years tuition but I am not sure how to report that in TurboTax/my Tax forms. The 529 Plan folks say I wont be getting a 1099-Q this year but they will send one next year. How will I explain all of this next year to IRS? I am so confused and dont know what to do with this situation. Any help and guidance is much appreciated.