Yes, you should amend. It may have the box checked 'Taxable amount not determined'.
If you deducted your IRA contributions because it was a traditional IRA, then it will all be taxable. The financial agency holding this for you has no idea what your taxable amount will be upon distribution. If you put money into a 401(k) and the transferred it to a traditional IRA, the same scenario would create taxable income upon distribution.
If you had any nondeductible contributions, again, only you would know that. Use the link below when you begin to amend your 2024 tax return.
The amended form will be ready later in the year. By using the link, Tax Forms Availability, you can continue to check to see when it's ready. If you decide you do need to amend use the steps in the link below.
Be sure to check your state rules as well.
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