No. You will be asked in the "My Info" section if you were deployed to a combat zone. You should indicate "None" if it doesn't apply to you this year. Otherwise be sure, especially if you are enlisted, to verify your rank in the "My Info" section. This is used to identify those who qualify for the free military filing with TurboTax. Additionally be sure after entering your military W2 information in the "Wages and Income" section to select "Active Duty Military" in the follow on question in that section. This activates the TurboTax discount.
- Click "My Info" in the left hand menu
- "Edit" your information section
- Click/verify "Yes" indicating you served in the Military
- Continue
- Click/verify the appropriate status
- Click "Enlisted"
- Select your pay grade from the dropdown
- Select "None" for the "Combat Zone"
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