Hi. When I was employed and I would sell my ESPP shares the difference between my buy price and the market price at the time of purchase would show up on my W-2 as ordinary income in the year I sold the shares. I would have to adjust my cost basis so I wouldn't get double taxed. I have since left the company and waited for over a year to sell them, so that it would be a long term capital gain.
1) My question is since I have separated from the company for over a year and have no income from the company in the current tax year will they still provide me a W-2 with the only entry being that cost difference or will I need to add it as other income?
2) If I don't get a W-2, would I enter the cost difference between the buy price and the market price at the time of share purchases in other income on my 1040?
I understand that the difference between the price at time of purchase could be a long term capital gain or long term capital loss depending on the sale price. Thanks.