Interest on series i bond form 1099... where to report
To enter our Series I Bond interest:
Log on and continue your return then
Press the TurboTax "Search" button near the top right of your screen
Type "1099-int" into the TurboTax search box
Select "Jump to 1099-int" from the dropdown list of results
If you reach the "Here's the interest we have so far" screen, click "Add interest income"
On the "Let Us Enter Your 1099-INT" screen, scroll down and press "I'll type it in myself"
On the "Let's get the details from your 1099-INT or brokerage statement" screen, be sure to check the checkbox for "My form has info in more than just box 1 (this is uncommon)" (Refer to the attached image)
You can now add Box 3 interest from your savings bonds.
Continue along with answering the questions in the following screens and pressing "Continue"
If you reach the "Did you cash any Series EE or I U.S. savings bonds?" screen, press "Yes" if you did
On the "Did you use your U.S. savings bonds to pay for higher education expenses?" screen, press "Yes" if you used your savings bonds for educational costs
If you qualify, TurboTax will help you to record your exclusion of savings bond interest for Form 8815 on a series of screens