It depends. If you are the recipient of this form, you will report this on your tax return even though your daughter isn't your dependent. If she's the recipient, she'd report this on her own return.
Assuming you are the recipient, here is how to report.
- Log into your account
- Select Wages and income or just income if in Turbo Tax online
- Less Common income
- Miscellaneous Income, 1099-A, 1099>start
- Go to Cloverdale and 529 qualified tuition plans (1099Q) it may be worded differently depending on the Turbo Tax version you are using.
- Then it asks for the recipient's information. If this is you, you will continue. If not, then the program will inform you that you don't need to complete this form.
- Then it asks who's the student. Here you will make a choice.
- Then it'll ask for the name of the student and then information regarding the 1099Q.
- Keep answering questions until you get to the part asking about educational expenses.
- You will eventually reach a screen like the one listed below. Here you record rent payments under Room and Board.

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