I am planning on setting up an LLC. Due to personal circumstances and uncertain tax law changes, I am not yet sure if I want to be taxed as an S corp. Suppose the following:
In January, I set up the LLC as an SMLLC/disregarded entity
In February, I transfer $10k of LLC income from the LLC bank account to my personal bank account
In March, I file Form 2553 (S corp election) with a retroactive effective date of January
I understand the reasonable salary and payroll requirements with an S corp. But in the scenario above, how would the $10k have to be handled (since the LLC was not an S corp at the time of the transfer but became an S corp retroactively)? Would it have to be returned to the S corp and then paid out as a mix of wages and distribution? Or could it just be treated as a distribution as long as a reasonable salary is paid by the end of the quarter? Thank you.