Click on 'State Taxes'
> continue
> Finish your state return and ready to review? Select Done with States.
I never did the state. I had started it and it showed a list of deduction you had to confirm that you had entered (which I did last week) and so I went back to check. And now I cannot get back to where I left off.
> 'done with states'
> takes me to review
> Shut down TurboTax. (not saving as I made no updates)
> Start TurboTax > choose my form
> reenter 0 for grant allocations (I guess I had made updates)
>reenter 0 for covid-19 relief grant
> Investment Interest Expense Adjustements (not seen before)
> Let's see how CA taxes income > continue
> California Federal Itemized Deductions (list of differences) > continue
> *** Now we have a screen that was NOT available when I followed the instructions on the previous step to go back to the Federal Taxes Section and verify I had entered the "list of differences" values. THIS IS A BUG!
The screen is "Here's the income that California handles differently - if any of these apply to you, we'll work on them together (warm and fuzzy). Then we'll move on to the state tax breaks.
The next 5 or 10 screens were all NOT available when I ran the application last time - because I clicked on 'Federal Taxes' and went to review to see if I had entered the various deductions.