Your federal tax summary and tax return can be found by following this process:
- Select Tax tools
- Hint: You may have to minimize the Federal and State selections
- Click Tools
- A Menu will pop up
- Select View tax summary
- On the left panel click Preview my 1040
Some Key numbers:
- 11 Adjusted Gross Income
- 12 Deductions
- 15 Taxable income
- 16 Tax
- 33 Withholdings
- 34 Refund
- 37 Amount you owe
Marginal rates. For tax year 2025, the top tax rate remains 37% for individual single taxpayers with incomes greater than $626,350 ($751,600 for married couples filing jointly). The other rates are:
- 35% for incomes over $250,525 ($501,050 for married couples filing jointly).
- 32% for incomes over $197,300 ($394,600 for married couples filing jointly).
- 24% for incomes over $103,350 ($206,700 for married couples filing jointly).
- 22% for incomes over $48,475 ($96,950 for married couples filing jointly).
- 12% for incomes over $11,925 ($23,850 for married couples filing jointly).
- 10% for incomes $11,925 or less ($23,850 or less for married couples filing jointly).From the left sidebar
Marginal rates: For tax year 2024, the top tax rate remains 37% for individual single taxpayers with incomes greater than $609,350 ($731,200 for married couples filing jointly).
The other rates are:
- 35% for incomes over $243,725 ($487,450 for married couples filing jointly)
- 32% for incomes over $191,950 ($383,900 for married couples filing jointly)
- 24% for incomes over $100,525 ($201,050 for married couples filing jointly)
- 22% for incomes over $47,150 ($94,300 for married couples filing jointly)
- 12% for incomes over $11,600 ($23,200 for married couples filing jointly)
- The lowest rate is 10% for incomes of single individuals with incomes of $11,600 or less ($23,200 for married couples filing jointly).
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