When creating "what-if" scenarios in TurboTax by using Save "as" and creating a new what-if copy, I usually add info at the end of the file name to denote what the "What-if"is. Ex filename...w-IRA Contribution.
So TurboTax initially creates a Tax file as example: "2024 Lastname First Form 1040 Individual Tax Return.tax2024"
If I were to do a Save As with "2024 Lastname First Form 1040 Individual Tax Return - w-IRA Contribution.tax2024", then when starting TurboTax and trying to Continue a return, the filenames in the boxes do NOT show the full name so all the filenames ( at least the portion that shows) are exactly the same and you can't tell which is which. Usually you can hover over something like this and the full name is displayed. Anybody have any thoughts on this... it is a real pain