My taxes have remained the same for the past 5 years. Same jobs, same forms. And yet every year I've filed with turbotax, I can't help but see that they've changed something to make the process as painful as possible. For the most part, it's been through small changes I barely notice, but this year I was completely astounded at how long my taxes took to finish.
I was caught up on an uploading error, so I couldn't submit anything, so I clicked the option to contact an expert (not knowing that would opt me into having to pay more for that option). The "expert" in question was equally baffled by the error on the turbotax page, and after more than an hour of going back and forth through options and moving some things around, they told me to delete a W2! I didn't realize that was the file that got removed until after the call, but it was a good thing I caught it before actually filing. Not looking for an answer or explanation to this, and honestly I'm not even going to blame the person I was on a call with. Turbotax needs to do a better job vetting the people answering these calls in the first place. A company this big has no excuse, especially when the service they provide is something as serious as other people's taxes. Absolutely disgusting. Never filing with this clown company again.