Withdrawals of funds
for federal taxes due are entirely within the control of the IRS.
TurboTax is a
software service provider, licensing its products and online services to you to
assist in accurately completing your tax return, and transmitting your return
information to the IRS and state taxing authorities if you choose the e-filing
option. Beyond those services, TurboTax has no role in the collection or
transfer of payment of tax monies between you and the IRS or state governments.
If your bank has honored the withdrawal and overdrawn your account, as opposed to refusing to honor the withdrawal, the equivalent of "bouncing" a check, arranging to pay back the overdraft is strictly between you and your bank.
If the bank dishonored the withdrawal, you still owed taxes to the IRS. You can request a payment plan online at: https://www.irs.gov/payments/online-payment-agreement-application