To enter your taxable rewards in TurboTax Online:
- Select Tax Home in the left pane
- On the Hi, let's keep working on your taxes! screen, select the dropdown to the right of Income & Expenses
- Select Start, Pick up where you left off or Review/Edit, as appropriate
- Scroll down and select the dropdown to the right of Less Common Income
- Select Start or Revisit to the right of Miscellaneous Income, 1099-A, 1099-C
- On the Let's Work on Any Miscellaneous Income page, select Start to the right of Other reportable income
- On the Any Other Taxable Income? page, select Yes
- On the Other Taxable Income page, enter Taxable Rewards in the Description box, enter the amount, and select Continue
- If everything looks correct on the Other Miscellaneous Income Summary page, select Done. Otherwise, select Edit to the right of the item and make any changes necessary
If the TurboTax Online navigation described above doesn't look like what you're experiencing, see the TurboTax Help article Why does the TurboTax navigation menu look different for me?.
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