First, try going back through your state interview to see if you can change your information. To do this in TurboTax Online:
- Select Tax Home in the left pane
- On the Hi, let's keep working on your taxes! screen, select the dropdown on the right side of the State Taxes box, then select Start, Continue, or Review/Edit
- If the You've already got a head start on state taxes screen appears, select Let's get started. Otherwise, in the left pane, select Prepare State
- Proceed through the screens until you come to the Status of your state returns screen
- Select Continue or Edit to the right of your state. Proceed through the state screens until the end of the interview
If this doesn't get you to the field you need, delete your state return and start it over again. See the TurboTax Help article How do I delete my state return in TurboTax Online? for guidance.
And, if this doesn't work, tell us which state return you're working on so we can try to replicate your situation.