If you e-filed Form 4868 with TurboTax, you do not need to print and mail it. However, if you owe federal taxes, include your estimated payment with your Form 4...
A U.S address is required to file extension using TurboTax. See below for details on filing an extension with a foreign address on the IRS's website.If you live...
Okay. Great. Have you tried to see if your 2016 return might be under a different user ID and password. Even though you may be receiving emails about both your ...
Are you sure you filed your 2016 taxes with TurboTax? If so, you may have used a different account. You can run this tool <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href...
Go back to turbotax.com and login. If you've already filed, you'll see an Overview screen (see attached). In the top left box, you'll see the status of your ret...