Enter all three 1098s as secured by your main home. Answer No to Let's see if this is the most recent form for thisloan for the two loans on your old home. Answ...
Yes, even if you did not receive a tax form, this still must be reported on your tax return. To enter the sale in TurboTax:
With your return open, go toFedera...
You don't need a cost basis until you sell the crypto. If you are just reporting income earned from interest, rewards, or staking, you would report it as miscel...
The rewards payments from Coinbase for things like "Watch this video to learn about xyz currency and earn $3" would be reported as other income. To enter income...
To enter Form 1095-A in TurboTax:
ClickDeductions and Credits
Scroll down toMedical and ClickShow More
Click Start or Revisit next to theACA
You can claim...