Why am i being forced to pay for deluxe when nothing in my current filling changed from last year where i didn't pay? in Get your taxes done using TurboTax
i cant find my current tax records. i got a legal name change a few years ago and when i log in it only shows me all the files before the name change. in Get your taxes done using TurboTax
Under occupation, does it want current occupation or last years occupation ?4 in Get your taxes done using TurboTax
Can I change the info that I filled in on form that came up for my husband for W-2. He gets 1099R now. After I feeled out noted it was a 1099K and could not change it? in Retirement tax questions
a field won't let me enter into it. I currently says 0 and I want to change it to 49? in Get your taxes done using TurboTax