You can manually enter your W-2 if your uploaded one did not work by selecting "I'll Type it Myself".
If you are trying to enter your Form W-2 in TurboTax you can add a W-2 using the instructions below.
If you are using TurboTax Online you can:
- Sign into your return
- Click on" Pick up where you left off"
- Click on "Search" at the top right of your screen (Search is the magnifying glass in TurboTax Online)
- In the search box, type "W-2"
- Click on "Jump to W-2" (See screenshots below for additional guidance)
- Click on "Add a W-2"
- On the next screen you will be asked to enter your employer's ID from your W-2, enter it, and "Continue"
- On the next screen if you do not want to upload your W-2 click on "Type it Myself"
- On the next screens you will be prompted to enter your W-2 information from your form
If you are using TurboTax Desktop, you can:
- Open or continue your return
- Click "Search" at the top right of your screen
- In the search box, type "W-2"
- Click on "Jump to W-2" (See screenshots below for additional guidance)
- Your screen will say "We'll start with your W-2", click the box "Work on my W-2"
- Your screen will say "Let's Start With a Bit of Info From Your W-2" , enter your Employer ID from Box b of your W-2"
- Click on "Continue"
- You can select to upload your W-2 or "Type it myself"
- If you select "Type it myself" the next screens will prompt you for the information you see on your W-2.
- If you selected "Upload it from my computer" you will be prompted to do so
It will look something like this:

Click here for additional information on importing your W-2.
Click here for additional information on manually entering your W-2
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