We opened an UTMA account for our daughter in 2024. I am confused on how to file.
The 2024 end of year summary document includes a 1099-INT and 1099-DIV, and all totals for these two forms are less than $500. However, the documents also include a 1099-B and some totals there are between $1500-$2000 (in the proceeds box, for example). The language on the 1099-B suggests we need to enter this information somewhere for reporting purposes.
Do we include this income on our return (my husband and I's joint filing)? If so, where specifically would we input this information into TurboTax software?
OR, do we have to file a return for our daughter? She has no other income and is under 19. If so, where specifically would be input this information into TurboTax for a return for her?
Thank you for the help!