I was offered $29 for TurboTax Max at the Personal Info page. $29 charge is getting changes to $59 in the payment page for TurboTax Max option.
I contacted the customer service 2 times yesterday and spent nearly 1hr 30 mins for no fix.
My service numbers and response are below
Dear TurboTax Customer,
Thank you for contacting TurboTax Support.
The issue about the $29 MAX charge has been brought to the attention of the Dept that handles MAX. They are in the process resolving the issue. Please wait several more days, and then see if the error has been corrected within the system. We are so sorry this has happened to you. Due to problems in another system, I was unable to contact you yesterday.
If you continue to have any type of issue, please get back in touch with us.
Should you need to contact us again about this situation, you may use case number [phone number removed] as the Support ID.
Thank you,