Medicare is an entitlement based on your age and participation in the social security system.
Medicaid is assistance with medical costs based on financial need.
Disability is more complicated, it depends on what kind of disability and who is paying (SSI, SSDI, private disability pay). Some disability pay is based on your inability to perform gainful work (work for money). Because the IRS defines disability based on your ability to work for money, some people with recognized medical disabilities are not considered disabled for tax purposes, it depends on your situation.
Suppose you are a truck mechanic and you are disabled due to a workplace injury and unable to perform gainful work. You create a second career as a tiktoker. That's working for money. Depending on the amount of income, it could impact your financial need to qualify for Medicaid, and it could impact your designation as "unable to perform gainful work." I think the amount is going to be a key factor. Supposedly, a few TikTokers make millions in ad views and sponsorships, but I suspect most make pennies. You may need to seek professional advice.