Turbo tax has an error, it doesn't print or more accurately doesn't convert all the 2210 to a PDF, just does page 1. Also, Turbotax is not asking me if I want to request a WAIVER by checking box in part 2 of 2210.
For what ever reason Turbotax says I owe $20 more since I owe the Feds more than a $1,000? I did find the worksheet, but but when it converts to a PDF document, only the first page is in the PDF- not the second. This looks like a complex form!! Anyway what a crock, I owe to the Feds $1300 and they want to charge me $20.00 more and then want quarterly payments of over $300- what a pain. I guess if they only charge $20.00
I am not going to make quarterly payments. I might owe less next year anyway? Will just pay them another $20.00 next year is easier than making quarterly payments. How was I to know that I would owe more that a $1,000?
I did the same on state taxes as the penalty wasn't that much for the pain of remembering quarterly payments. I just pay a few dollars extra each year.