Grantor trust is no longer applicable since the trust is now irrevocable and a separate taxable entity.
You can make what is called a Section 645 election to treat the trust (which is a QRT) as part of the estate). In that case, there are two things you need to know;
1) The Decedent’s estate box would be checked; and
2) You need a tax pro or tax attorney to prepare the return. It is not something you should be attempting yourself as the rules are very complicated.
Otherwise, for s trust you would check Simple Trust if the trust is required to distribute income currently, there are no set asides for charitable contributions, and any part of the corpus of the trust is not being distributed. Otherwise, the Complex box would be checked. Form 1041 trust types
I understand that is as clear as mud so you should rely on your attorney or a tax pro to prepare the forms and docs for the IRS.
Sorry for your loss.