If you have not yet filed, then you can change your banking info under the file section. However if you have already filed or your return is in a pending state, it is to late to change it. You will have to wait until it is accepted/rejected. Once your e-filed return has been accepted, it's to late to update your bank account or change your payment method in TurboTax. Call the IRS immediately. Otherwise the IRS will issue you a paper check.
If you want to change or edit the banking information that is shown, make sure that the box stating "I want my refund deposited into this account" is unchecked.
1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Continue.
2. You will be taken to a new screen titled, "Let's get your bank account info".
This will allow you to enter the new or updated banking information that is to be used for your 2016 direct deposit.