TurboTax uses a list of Locality ID Codes by State, If your locality is not listed, or if this payment is for two or more localities enter XXX instead.
Here is the list of Locality ID Codes supported by TurboTax
Kentucky Locality Codes
LEX - Lexington
LOU - Louisville
Michigan Locality Codes
ALB - Albion
BCK - Battle Creek
BRR - Big Rapids
DET - Detroit
FLT - Flint
GRR - Grand Rapids
GRA - Grayling
HAM - Hamtramck
HPK - Highland Park
HUD - Hudson
ION - Ionia
JAC - Jackson
LNS - Lansing
LPR - Lapeer
MHT - Muskegon Heights
MKG - Muskegon
PNT - Pontiac
PHN - Port Huron
POR - Portland
SAG - Saginaw
SPR - Springfield
WAL - Walker
Missouri Locality Codes
SL - St Louis
KC - Kansas City
New York Locality Codes
NYC - New York City, New York
YON - Yonkers, New York
Ohio City Codes
MR - RITA Municipal Tax
SDR - (four digit school district)
CCA - CCA Municipal Tax
ECC - CCA City Tax Form, Employment Tax Estimate
RCC - CCA City Tax Form, Residence Tax Estimate
Oregon Locality Codes
MUL - Multnomah, Oregon
All Other Localities
XXX - If your locality is not listed, or if this payment is for two or more localities