How do I report this bug? There is an error in the logic for Maryland Form 502UP. Published Maryland State instructions for line 14 states: “Enter in each column the sum of any estimated payments you have made and any Maryland tax withheld from the beginning of the year to the due date at the top of that column.” For even Maryland Withholding payments included by TurboTax in the calculation for line 14 entries, it is using the withholding period end dates, not the due dates at the top of the columns. So for example, if a state withholding payment is made on April 1st, TurboTax assigns that cost to the second period (Jan 1 to May 31) rather than the 1st period which has the April 15th due date. Likewise, this problem occurs in the 2nd and 3rd periods. I know this can be worked around, but adjusting the withholding amounts in the “Uneven Maryland Withholding” section of the TurboTax form, but that implies incorrectly that the withholding is uneven when in fact it is not. I don’t like to enter overrides in TurboTax, but I assume that is my only option until this logic is fixed.