#1 Yes, the last-month rule applies to anyone who has HDHP coverage on December 1st of the tax year.
#2 TurboTax should realize that (1) you did not have HDHP coverage for every month of 2024, so when it asks you what type of HDHP coverage you had on December 1, 2023, (2) it will realize that you "failed to maintain HDHP coverage". Next, TurboTax will ask you a lot of questions about your coverage in 2023 and about your contributions, in order to refigure what your annual HSA contribution limit should have been in 2023 without the last-month rule.
However, you don't to do anything special, like withdraw money from your HSA. Instead, TurboTax will figure everything and asses tax and penalties on your 2024 return. This amount will appear on line 18 of the 8889.
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