You may speak to the IRS to set up different payment arrangements.
You can apply for a payment plan at the IRS
Payment Plans and Installment Agreements
What are payment plan costs and fees? If we (IRS) approve your plan, one of the following fees will be added to your tax bill. Changes to user fees are effective Jan. 1, 2017. For individuals, balances over $25,000 must be paid by direct debit. For businesses, balances over $10,000 must be paid by direct debit.
Apply online through the Online Payment Agreement tool or apply by phone, mail, or in-person at an IRS walk-in office by submitting Form 9465, Installment Agreement Request.
State Payment Plans
Most states offer some kind of installment payment plan as well,
although the procedure varies from state to state.
The easiest way to obtain the info you need is to simply
search the internet using the phrase <state> tax payment plan (for
example, New Jersey
tax payment plan or Illinois tax payment plan). You can also try contacting your state Department
of Revenue for details.
Answered by TurboTax
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