I have asked before and received little help, I realize I need to send back the refund and fill out a corrected 1040X but don't have the 2023 program, it was lost with hard drive crash, No program backup but do have original 2023 file it saved. Do they expect me to buy a second copy to be able to make an amendment? I electronically filed through so Turbo Tax has my file and the 2023 program. Very disappointed with not getting help on this issue.I hate to go to another company to get this resolved when I would need to start all over. I am willing to pay back the refund plus taxes I assume maybe even a fine, for such a stupid error of missing one of our incomes, and not realizing it. InTUIT SHOULD DO BETTER ON THIS. I did go ahead and file the 2024 electronically as usual but checked everything first.