To delete the 1099-R form, please follow these steps:
- While in your return, click
on Tax Tools > Tools (in the black bar at the side of your
- In the Tools Center, under Other
helpful links click on Delete a form.
Click Delete next to the
form you want to delete and follow the
onscreen instructions.
- Once you have finished deleting
the desired form(s) click the Continue with My Return box (in the
lower right of your screen).
If the 1099-R form regenerates, use these steps to delete it:
- Click on Federal > Wages
& Income.
- Scroll down to the Retirement
Plans and Social Security section and click on the Start/Revisit box
next to IRA, 4701(k), Pension Plan Withdrawals (1099-R).
- If you've already entered
one (or more) 1099-Rs, you will see a screen Your1099-R
- Click the delete icon (trash can) next to the entry.
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