How may I find a company's EIN, when they have not issued a 1099 Misc form? The company I am looking for is Guidepoint Global LLC NYC, NY. Yes, I have contacted the company, I have yet to receive a response. My understanding is, these documents are to be sent out prior to January 31st each year, is this correct? I consulted on a project, the amount paid is $215.83. Or is their another way to show the income without a 1099 Misc. form?
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Since the amount you were paid was less than $600, the business isn't required to issue a Form 1099-MISC.
In your TurboTax CD/Download software:
Work through the screens indicating Consultant as your business description, you can use your name as your business name and your home address as your business address, you don't need an Employer ID Number unless you pay employees.
Look up the business code closest to your business description or you can use 999999.
You would be a Cash Method taxpayer, and an Active participant, you can enter your info yourself, you would only need to issue a Form 1099 if you paid someone $600 or more.
Keep going through the screens until you get to "Enter Business Income That's not on a 1099-MISC" and enter the amount you were paid in Income or Sales.
You can enter any related expenses on the Business Expenses page.
Continue on through the screens until you are done with your "business" information.
Please continue reading for further information.
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