When you prepare your 2020 return TurboTax will automatically calculate your 2021 estimated tax payments and prepare 1040-ES vouchers if you are risk for an underpayment penalty next year.
You can also calculate your 2021 estimated taxes and generate the payment vouchers by doing this:
- With your tax return open, search for 1040-es (be sure to include the dash) and select the "Jump to 1040-es" link.
- Answer "No" to the question "Do you want to change your W-4 withholdings for 2021?"
- Answer the questions about things like your 2021 filing status, income, and deductions.
- Eventually, you'll come to the "Print Vouchers?" screen. Answer "Yes" and you will be able to print your 2021 1040-ES payment vouchers when you print a copy of your return later.
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