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If the EIN is the same and you work in more than 1 state or city, sometimes they will give you another W2 with the extra state information on it and the top part the same or not filled in. If this is the case, enter 1 W-2 but include both state and local taxes on it. It will let you type in more than one line for boxes 15-20. Don’t add the boxes together.
Same for boxes 12 and 14 if there is no room on the first W2 they can give you another W2 with the extra boxes on it. So list them all on 1 W2. For box 12 just enter it in the next row or box. It doesn’t have to match the box 12 a-d etc.
Thank you for your input! I’m just confused because in my case the first one has the 12 box filled in and the second one doesn’t so I’m not sure why it was removed on the second one.
There’s also between the two, one will have some info that the second one doesn’t and vice versa. The W2s look like a game of find the difference
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