My 2023 return has been in the hands of the IRS for nearly a year. When my refund did not come in two months I reviewed my return and found an error of duplicate entries of a large charitable donation. With the help of a TurboTax consultant I submitted an amended return. The IRS did not agree with results of the amended return and sent me a claim of partial disallowance. Fortunately I had purchased the Turbotax premium package, so I qualified for more extensive assistance. The turbotax accountant with whom I spoke found what appeared to be a duplicate entry of an IRA distribution. I sent that finding to the IRS in October and filed a second amended return. Today I spoke with an IRS agent who checked on the status of my return. She said it was still under review awaiting additional information. She did not what the additional information was. This evening I looked at the original 1040 and found the line entry for the IRA distribution, 4a. The box was empty. Beneath 4b, the taxable amount was typed ROLLOVER, and in the 4b box was a value that was an amount that was twice what was recorded on the account's 1099. I believe that is the source of the problem the continued review by the IRS. Please direct me to the Turbotax consultant who can help me with this issue.