The data from the F2210 & AI - Annualized Income Schedule (when you have uneven income throughout the year and pay estimated taxes) is not transferring from the Federal Return to the State (MA) return (form M-2210) in either the online or desktop version. Even attempts in the desktop version to manually enter the data are not causing the M-2210/AI Schedule to compute correctly (it takes the annual income and divides by 4 even when the actual income was entered by quarter). This is causing a large penalty when there should be no penalty - income only in Q3 & 4 with more than the required taxes paid timely for both quarters. Spent 5+ hrs over 2 days with TT CS person redoing both online then desktop versions. Neither would populate the M-2210 correctly. I was told that TT was not going to do anything about this, that I should file the taxes incorrectly, pay the penalty I did not owe, then try to get the money back from the MA DOR.
Anyone else had a problem with this or can recommend any fix or way to get TT to address this? It will affect a lot of people! Thanks
last updated
February 18, 2025
11:31 AM