Here’s what we recommend:
First, the Primary owner of the brokerage account must be logged on to import the information. Then, make sure you have selected the Vanguard brokerage account and not the mutual funds account. Customers have found that when they click on the Vanguard icon in the Select financial institutions section, it didn't give a choice of brokerage or mutual funds. However when they typed in Vanguard instead of clicking on the icon, they did get a choice and were able to select brokerage.
To import from your Vanguard account, please follow the steps below:
- Go to Federal > Wages & Income
- Scroll down to the Retirement Plans and Social Security section and click Start next to IRA, 401(k), Pension Plan Withdrawals (1099-R)
- On the Choose your bank or brokerage page, click the Vanguard tile or type Vanguard in the search .
- Then click Continue to begin the import process
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