I need more than one IRS form 1116 due to an investment which uses accrued foreign tax vs paid foreign tax. I was thinking in the past that Turbotax might have remembered the 1116 forms from the previous years, but I may be mis-remembering on that point. I think it would bring carry-overs, but I had no carry-over from 2023.
With Turbotax Premier on Windows 11, it I click Open, and enter 1116 as form. Then select the form desired.
trying to add second 1116
The first time, it let me Add Form, but it only allows the name "Copy 1". I try entering a name or copy number. I click all over this box, and type characters. Nothing accepts a different name. I get the image shown above when I try again. But clicking Add Form for a second one does not do anything. I know I used to be able to have more than one no problem.
Anybody else have this problem, or better yet, a solution? Thanks.