I am finding this year's TT to be sadly bug prone. The new interface that is randomly 'inserted' in various areas seems to be a contributing factor. It feels like the designers are trying to use 'common App/Online' code for purposes where it isn't suited, like on the desktop version.
The latest issue I've ran across is that, after having entered all the 1099 Int/Div forms, they are not being reflected in the Step-by-Step view as having been visited. The entire section for every 1099 remains un-checked as if it hadn't been completed, which is obviously wrong since they were all input correctly. If I go back through each one, simply clicking next/done then it corrects the issue - but why is TT not properly marking things when initially entered like it should, and always has in the past?
I hope this bug will be fixed soon. The Step-by-Step view provides an important visual on what areas may not have been visited.
Win Desktop