I filed my taxes last year and did not put the correct number in the credit carry forward line. I put the previous years carry forward # which was 6,101. The current years amount was 3,273. Lines 15/16 are 2,887. I went to do an amendment and am having a hard time pulling the file from last year probably because we had to wipe my computer clean. From what I've seen online I'm wondering if an amendment isn't necessary if I go forward with this years tax return and make sure I use the correct #s which would be 386 For the credit carryforward on line 13. I read that if it's an arithmetic errors the IRS would find it and send you something saying they fixed it. I've not received anything. But since it's just a credit number. Is it necessary for me to redo the whole tax return in order to amend since I cannot pull the tax return from my computer from last year? I had bought the software last year on sale and did not sync it to my turbo tax online acct. I had been using for years so I lost my return info when wiping my computer clean. I have a PDF version but it will not let me upload it. Thank you